Fitness Care Support Terms

This is a service agreement between the party above & Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd (Here out referred to as Fitness Care ) a registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme and a participant and or participants guardian / representative who could be a friend or family member or someone who manages the funding for supports under a participants NDIS plan.

What supports will be provided?

Fitness Care Australia provides Disability Support sessions, where participants work on exercising and learning healthy lifestyle skills. These healthy lifestyle skills can include personal hygiene development, social skills mentoring & food education. The Fitness Care Disability Support Education sessions assist with self care, social & community participation. The Fitness Care Disability Support sessions help to improve daily living by empowering participants with the capacity to be more self-sufficient.

In the Fitness Care disability support education sessions representatives can assist with improving personal hygiene and exercise. Included in the disability supports provided are food skills development which can entail the preparation of healthy smoothies or healthy meals. Participants are taught the benefits of the ingredients & in longer sessions access community to purchase the ingredients.

As part of the Fitness Care disability support, participants can be mentored in gaining accessing to the community activities. Fitness Care Australia workers assist with transitions of various life stages by assisting the participants to access various social recreational activities, whilst teaching life skills such as doing groceries, taking care of fitness skills development, learning food skills and travel training. In community participation activities such as going on nature hikes, doing boxing, to the movies or bowling etc there may be out of pocket expenses to the participant.

Period of supports

The sessions will continue indefinitely for the remainder of the participant plan & until the provider or participant cancels this agreement. Upon completion of a participants plan this agreement will still be valid into subsequent plans if the participant or plan nominee & provider are happy to continue with the same terms. This agreement will be valid until cancelled by either party in writing preferably with one month notice.

Delivery Details

The Fitness Care disability support will be delivered at either a centre, in participants home or a location organised by a representative.‌

The Fitness Care disability support will be delivered a minimum of once a week.

Additional hours & sessions are available on request. These additional hours must be within the participants budget and the participant needs to clarify this either by enquiring to their plan manager / support coordinator or by checking their budget in the NDIS myplace portal.

The Fitness Care disability supports will be for the minimum number of hours highlighted in the Support Registration Groups below with a minimum bill amount of 3hrs per scheduled support including travel. (Unless minimum amount otherwise specified above the 3hr minimum)‌ Travel will be billed based on NDIS guidelines. ‌ The supports will be delivered until the participant or their representative cancels this agreement with written notice. Upon renewal of the participants plan this agreement is still valid if the participant wishes to continue with the service.‌ ‌ Participants and or participant carer / nominee must give 48 hours notice of cancellation of a support in writing. Failure to give 48hours notice will result in the participant being charged for 100% of the support. Our cancellation policy on scheduled supports will update with changes in the NDIS cancellation policy. (This includes updates with COVID-19 cancellation policies and any changes to cancellation amounts)

Support Registration Groups

Fitness Care Australia's Fitness Care Disability Support sessions come under a variety of different NDIS registration groups and support items. Each of the below support items can be used through out the participants plan for various sessions that will be provided that align with what is in the participants plan and to deliver services towards the participants goals.

Fitness Care Support Categories

Physical sessions will be billed at the minimum rates specified with travel. If supports delivered extend beyond what is specified the participant will be billed based on the time that supports are delivered for. Sessions will be delivered primarily one to one or with staff ratio as required.

Please see the details below for the various support items categories the Fitness Care disability supports can be delivered under:

Core registration groups: Participation In Community, Social And Civic Activities , Daily Personal Activities Support Category Name: Assistance with social and community participation , Assistance with daily life Support item: 4 & 1

(Prices below will update with changes in the price guide, with the applicable line item price related to all categories for weekend, public holiday rates & any other changes such as COVID loading. Both core categories are used on weekdays and weekends before any capacity building categories, with capacity building categories being used if there is no funding left in core for supports. If more experienced Mindful Yoga Carers are used then level 2 or level 3 pricing categories can be used for supports.)

Core Community participation & Assistance With Self-Care Activities Categories Hourly Rates:

$67.56 - (Weekday Daytime)
$74.44 - (Weekday Evening)
$95.07- (Saturday)
$122.59 - (Sunday)
$150.10 - (Public Holiday)

Capacity Building (CB) registration group: Development Of Daily Living And Life Skills)
Support Category Name: Improved daily living skills)
Support item: 15 Individual Skill Development And Training Including Public Transport Training

Hourly Rate: $67.56

CB registration group: Development Of Daily Living And Life Skills)
Support Category Name: Improved daily living skills
Support item: 09 Individual Skills Development And Training

Hourly rate: $77.00

CB registration group: Increased social and community participation)
Support Category Name: Assist-Life Stage Transition)
Support item: 9 Life Transition Planning Incl. Mentoring Peer-Support And Individual Skill Development

Hourly Rate: $77.00

CB registration group: Development Of Daily Living And Life Skills)
Support Category Name: Improved relationships)
Support item: 11 Individual Social Skills Development

Hourly Rate: $77.00

CB registration group: Development Of Daily Living And Life Skills)
Support Category Name: Improved daily living skills)
Support item: 15 Training For Carers/Parents

Hourly Rate: $77.00

CB registration group: Development Of Daily Living And Life Skills
Support Category Name: Improved daily living skills)
Support item: 15 Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Other Professional

Hourly Rate: $193.99

Session & Yearly Estimates

Total Online (Minimum)

2hr x $67.56 = $135.12 per online session

1 year estimate online session (Minimum)

48 weeks x 1 sessions 2hr min = $6,485.76 per year

48 weeks x 2 sessions 2hr min = $12,971.52 per year

Travel estimate

48 weeks x $67.56 1hr est. $3,242.88 per year - 1 session per week

1 year estimate with travel 1 weekday session per week (Minimum)

48 weeks x $202.68 3hr min = $9,728.64 per year

48 weeks x $270.24 4hr min = $12,971.52 per year

48 weeks x $405.36 6hr min = $19,457.28 per year

48 weeks x $540.48 8hr min = $25,943.04 per year

1 year estimate with travel 1 weekend session (minimum)

48 weeks x $285.21 Sat 3hr min = $13,690.08 per year

48 weeks x $367.77 Sun 3hr min = $17,652.96 per year

Fitness Care Minimum Physical Program - could be as follows

Preparation time for sessions. 15mins. Greetings & check in. Set up space in the participant's home or community for physical exercise. 15mins Fitness exercises such as boxing, walking, stretching Fitness Care education session using platform content. 1hr to 1.5hrs Making a smoothie after the exercise or a protein shake enjoying some socialisation to improve client well being. 15mins to 30mins Saying goodbyes, cleaning up space if required, confirming next session details. 15 mins to 30 mins Writing support notes report on session delivery. 15mins Total 2hrs to 3hrs

Fitness Care Program Breakdown - A longer session breakdown could be as follows:

Preparation time for sessions. 15mins. Greetings & assisting in helping clients prepare to participate in the community or access self care skill development supports. 15 mins to 30 mins Travel to place in community (park, nature walk, field, gym, fitness class or community venue) 15 mins to 1hr Participate in a community activity such as taking a nature walk, completing a fitness workout in a local park. This could also be where the Fitness Carer and client may participate in further healthy life skills development by assisting the participant with shopping, appointments or participating in community activities together to improve overall health and well being. This could also be where a client attends a Fitness Centre for program activities or travels to a shop complex to purchase healthy food. 2.5hrs to 6hrs Travel back to participants home 15mins to 1hr Prepare a healthy smoothie or meal, drinking & eating. Cleaning up once finished. 30 mins to 2hr Saying goodbyes & writing support notes report on session delivery. 15mins Total typical session 4hrs to 12hrs

Payments & Kilometres‌

Fitness Care Australia will seek payment for their provision weekly.

Any travel expenses incurred during supports such as parking fees or tolls will be paid and billed at the cost rate.

With Core supports all kilometres travelled will be billed at the NDIS price guide KMs rate for the applicable vehicle to and from the client. Any Capacity Building line item supports will have kilometres travelled to and from the participant billed inline with the NDIS price guide prices for the type of vehicle used. All kilometres travelled with the participant will be billed inline with the NDIS price guide prices for the type of vehicle used.

Fitness Care Australia will keep track of dates & times of when supports are delivered.

If supports are delivered beyond what is quoted in this service agreement they will be billed at the applicable rate for the time spent delivering the mindful disability supports with the participant. Centre capital charges will be billed if the participant and team member utilise a hired space or Centre.

If participants budget for services is exhausted then services will cease until funds are reinstated with any of the line items above being used if required. Prices & categories listed above will update with any changes to the price guide. Any time spent on reports & support notes will be factored in to billing. All prices will update with any changes in the NDIS price guide. If clients request sleep overs they will be billed at the applicable overnight sleep over rate inline with the NDIS price guide rate. If funds remain at the end of a plan these funds will be billed to provide continuity of support into future plans.‌ The participant is required to keep track of their budget through the NDIS portal, their plan manager or support coordinator to ensure they have budget for support provided.

Fitness Respite Retreat Camps

Fitness Care Australia provides Fitness respite retreats for NDIS participants. This service agreement between the above participant and Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd confirms a minimum of one respite in the participants current & future plans. This agreement is valid into future plans with optional respite retreats available in this plan and future plans until it’s cancelled by the participant or plan nominee.

Support Category: Assistance with daily life

Registration Group Name: Assistance With Daily Life Tasks In A Group Or Shared Living Arrangement
Support Item: STA And Assistance (Inc. Respite)

Prices are billed based on ratio of carer to participant inline with the NDIS price guide for the above support item for the applicable respite day rate for the period of support unless otherwise specified. Kilometers travelled will be billed inline with the NDIS price guide price split between participants in the given vehicle travelled in. 50% Non Refundable deposit of the value of the respite retreat will be billed upon confirmation of any respite retreat unless a higher deposit is specified.

What is expected of the participant?

Attend Yogability sessions wearing appropriate and comfortable clothing suitable for exercise.
Treat Fitness Care Australia’s staff with courtesy and respect.
Be respectful and courteous of other participants in the group.
Give the service provider Fitness Care Australia 48 hours notice if you have to cancel or change a scheduled appointment. If the notice is not provided the Fitness Care Australia’s cancellation policy will apply.
Speak to Fitness Care Australia directly if you have any worries or concerns about the supports being provided.
Give Fitness Care Australia the required notice if the participant needs to end the service agreement.
Let Fitness Care Australia know immediately if your NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or if you stop being a participant in the NDIS.
Give the service provider Fitness Care Australia 5 days notice to cancel a confirmed respite retreat or the full fee will be charged.
If after signing the participant wishes to cancel any future confirmed Fitness respite camp they will be charged 50% of the value of the respite at the price specified or the applicable ratio price for the period of supports unless a higher non refundable deposit is specified.
Agree to waive rights to suing Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd for any injury they may or may not incur whilst participating in supports delivered by Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd team members or representatives.
By signing this agreement the participant & or plan nominee confirms that you void Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd of any liability for any incidents or injuries that occur as a result of the participants behaviour or actions whilst on respite or whilst participating in disability supports.

What is expected of the service provider?

Communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner.
Treat participants with courtesy and respect.
Give participants information about managing any complaints or disagreements as well as details of the providers cancellation policy.
Listen to participants feedback and resolve problems quickly.
Give the participant 24 hours notice if the provider has to change a scheduled appointment to provide supports.
Give the participant the required notice if the provider needs to end the service agreement.
Protect the participants confidential information.

Changes to this service agreement

‌ ‌

If changes to supports or their delivery are required, the parties agree to discuss and review this service agreement. The parties agree that any changes to this service agreement will be in writing and if needed be signed by both parties.

The participant will immediately notify the Provider if the participants plan is replaced by a new plan or the participant stops being a participant in the NDIS

Ending this service Agreement

Should either party want to end this agreement they must give 1 months notice in writing. If either party seriously breaches this service agreement or there is mutual agreement in ending services then the requirement of notice will be waived.

Liability Wavier

By signing this agreement the participant and or their carer agree that the participant is able to do exercise. By signing this agreement the participant & carer wave any liability of injuries that may or may not occur during disability support sessions delivered by Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd & its representatives.


We collect information about you for the primary purpose of providing quality supports and services to you. We need to collect some personal information from you to ensure our services meet your needs. If you do not provide this information, we may be unable to fully provide these services. This information will also be used for:

administrative purposes for running our service including marketing
billing you directly, through the NDIS, or other agency if required
use within our service to ensure you are provided with quality supports and services
disclosure of information to the NDIA, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, or other government agencies if needed
disclosure of information to health professionals to ensure high quality health care for you if needed
disclosure to other providers, with your consent, in order to provide appropriate services.

We have a privacy policy that is available upon request. That policy provides guidelines on the collection, use, disclosure and security of your information. By signing this agreement the participant & or participant guardian consent to providing the participants personal information to Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd.

By signing this agreement you consent to Fitness Care Australia Pty Ltd accessing your full plan & budget to allow for easier management of supports.

Media Consent

By signing this agreement the participant and or their carer give permission for photos, video/audio and samples of work contributed to by the participant to be used without remuneration or compensation in publications (print, websites, social media) and/or presentations sanctioned by Fitness Care Australia.

Advocacy Groups

Some advocacy groups that might be of interest to you can be seen below:

Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association
(02) 9891 6400
Self Advocacy Sydney Inc
(02) 9622 3005
People with Disability Australia (PWDA)
(02) 9370 3100
IDRS - psychosocial & intellectual disability advocacy group
1300 665 908

External Services

Some other external services that might be of interest to you could include:

1800 864 846

Lifestart - Early Childhood, Early Intervention (ECEI) partner‌
1800 953 390

Plan Partners - Plan management Provider
1300 333 700 or

Feedback, complaints and disputes

If the participant wishes to give the provider feedback, the participant can talk to Fitness Care Australia via If the participant is not happy with the provision of supports and wishes to make a complaint they can contact Fitness Care Australia. Contact can be made via email at or through website . Alternatively the client can submit an enquiry through our website. If the participant is not satisfied or does not want to talk to this person, the participant can contact the National disability insurance agency by calling 1800 800 110, visiting one of the offices in person or for further information, you can also send an email to

Emergency contacts

Emergency services – triple zero
Poison information line
Poison information
13 11 26
COVID-19 information lines
Vaccine and Covid info
1800 020 080

Emergency management team – roles and responsibilities

The NDIS requires us to have an emergency and disaster management plan. Carers are required to know the relevant emergency contacts for the local services in their region to utilise these when applicable to assist clients as required.

Supervisors – roles and responsibilities

Please report any emergencies or disasters through the risk register and report them to The team will assist you through the process to help manage the situation

Workers – roles and responsibilities

Workers have a duty of care to the clients they support to support them through any emergencies or disasters that may occur.

Evacuation procedures

Please ensure exits of buildings are known in case of an emergency that requires a swift exit to a building.

Emergency procedures

In the event of a disaster or emergency such as a fire or flood please ensure exits are known and that the relevant state emergency services are contacted to inform them of the situation so that they can advise you on what to do in the situation. Please make contact to 000 when required in an emergency, medical emergency, Pandemic or disaster situation. Please don’t touch a fire that is burning.


Workers are required to read through this and understand that they are required to comply with these processes.

After an emergency

After an emergency or disaster occurs workers are required to report the incident in the incident register accessible here : Please also email to notify regarding the incident. If the incident needs to be reported to the NDIS commission mandatory reporting processes needs to be followed.

Goods and services tax

For the purpose of GST Legislation, the parties confirm that:

A supply of supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and necessary supports specified in the statement included under subsection 3302 of the National Disability Insurance Act 2013 (NDIS Act) in the participants plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS the participants plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act.